Wine & Chips

Wine & Chips

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Let us toast together as we raise a glass to the voiceless! Those who were never to find a voice of love, for the stories of anger and frustrations have now seen the light and a desire to create has broken the glass. My hope is that no longer will a label placed by another define the worth of this grape or the many others who share the vine!

This story is written on behalf of many women. A story of the truth we are censored to speak as a world of free speech are illusions of a truth that has always been a lie. A lifetime of defending the truth, going against the so-called norm, and squishing the voice of the ones made of the same kind of substance but perhaps

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nes syanna power over to another the day twas piucked team the vine. Raised to believe that the sour taste of the distasteful l would have to accept as good enough for me. Is that good enough for you?

Corrie Thorne-Cameron is a Spiritual Teacher, Divine Channel. Mystic, and Creator of the More Than Existing™ self actualization certification program. A leading-edge program designed to help individuals from all walks of life believe in themselves, through learning to make themselves a priority, and to truly understand that they matter.